Resah dengan keputihan yang menyebabkan tidak selesa. Penyakit keputihan merupakan suatu masalah klasik yang dialami oleh semua wanita. Namun, gejala dan komplikasi penyakit tersebut adalah berbeza mengikut individu dan tahap kesihatan masing-masing. Jenis keputihan fisiologis yang kerap terjadi pada wanita yang sihat merupakan gejala yang normal dan akan pulih secara semula jadi. Sebaliknya, keputihan patologik dikategorikan sebagai penyakit yang lebih rumit dan perlu rawatan segera. Gejala keputihan patologik disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor luaran dan dalaman yang meliputi isu-isu kebersihan diri, kestabilan hormon dalam darah, faktor kesihatan dan gaya hidup yang sihat.

Mikroorgamisma, sama ada bakteria atau kulat merupakan agen utama yang terlibat dalam jangkitan faraj. Ciri-ciri klinikal pada setiap pesakit adalah berbeza-beza mengikut jenis kuman yang menyebabkan jangkitan. Namun seakiranya dipandang remeh, semua jangkitan berpotensi untuk menjadi lebih kronik seperti kanser rahim. Wanita yang hamil mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapat penyakit keputihan disebabkan oleh rembesan hormon pembiakan yang tinggi dalam badan (Stella, 2014).

Pengalaman saya ketika berada di timur tengah 20 tahun lalu, dua ubat ini sangat berkesan dan mujarab yang digunakan oleh wanita mesir dan negera eropah untuk mengatasi penyakita keputihan yang bukan untuk diminum dan dimakan iaitu:

  1. Gynozol 200 or 400
  2. TANTUM ROSA (Viginal Powder)

1. GYNOZOL 200 or 400 (Viginal Soft Gelatin Capsules)

Broad Spectrum Antimycotic

Each Vaginal Soft Gelatin Capsule Contains :

Miconazole Nitrate 200 or 400 mg

Properties :

GYNOZOL 200 or 400 Vaginal Soft Gelatin capsules miconazole nitrate, the broad spectrum antimycotic agent. Miconazole nitrate a potent fungicidal activity against the common pathogeic fungi including Candida species, yeasts anda dermatophytes. It exerts its fungcidal effect through inhibition of ergosterol synthesis resulting in disruption of the integrity of cell membranes of sensitive fungi.

Miconaczole nitrate also possesses bactericidal action against Gram-Positive bacilli and cocci. Because of this broad spectrum activity, GYNOZOL 200 or 400 is particulary useful in mixed vulvovaginal infections.

Clinicial studies have also evidenced that miconazole nitrate is significantly more effective than nystatin in vulvovaginal candidiasis with rapid relief of symptoms such as burning sensation,pruritus and leukorrhea.

The use of GYNOZOL 200 or 400 is considered safe even during pregnancy as the released miconazole nitrate acts topically with poor absorption from the vigina.

Indications :

-Viginal and vulvovaginal infections caused by Candida (Moniliasis) or other sensitive fungi.

-Viginal mycoses secondarily infected by Gram-Positive Bacteria.

-Leukorrhea with itching and burning sensation of the vulva when candidial or bacterial infection is suspected.

Adverse Effects :

GYNOZOL 200/400 Vaginal Soft Gelatin Capsules are well-tolerated.

Contraindications :
None is Known.

Dosage and use :

GYNOZOL 200 : One capsule should be inserted deeply into the vagina at bedtime for 6 consecutive days.

GYNOZOL 400: One capsule should be inserted deeply into the vaina at bedimte for 3 consecutive days.

2. TANTUM ROSA (Viginal Powder)

Tantum Rosa (Benzydamine Hydrochloride) is a non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Tantum Rosa applied topically, selectively binds to the inflamed vaginal mucosa bloking exudation, thus resolving the problem of viginal discharge as well as inhibiting the mediators responsible for inflammation though its decongestant effect. Due to these two simultaneous actions, in addition to its local anaesthetic effect.

Tantum Rosa provides relief of pain and associated symptoms of inflammation. It has no systemic adverse effects beging selectively bound to inflamed tissues. Tantum Rosa is therefore the safe and effective method which assists in the radical resolution of vaginal inflammation together with its troublesome symptomatology.

Indications :

-Non-Specific vaginitis.

-Adjunct in the therapy of specific vaginitis.

-Preparation to surgical procedures : Diathermocoagulation, conization, IUD insertion, instrumental diagnostic procedures (hysterosalpingography,tubal insufflation, etc), vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy, colpoperineorrhaphy and vaginal plastic surgery,dilatation and curettage.

-Post-oprative theraphy in gynaecological surgery.

-Post-Menopausal atrophic vaginitis

-Post-Radiotheraphy vaginal mucositis.

-Post-Partum and puerperal hygiene.

Dosage Andministration :

Dissolve the contents of 1-2 sachets in a litre of water.

1-2 douches daily or as prescribed by the physician.

Drug Interactions :

Tantum Rosa signifacantily potentiates and completes the activity of gynaeocological chemotheraphy.

Contra-Indications :

There is no evidence of contraindications to the topical use of Tantum Rosa.


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By Abu Zeckry merupakan Rakan Penyelidik Nusantara (RPN) untuk pembangunan dan perkembangan dalam bidang Sains Sosial di Nusantara. [[Perkhidmatan]]Guaman Syarie, Pengurusan Harta Islam, Editorial. PENAFIAN : Tidak semestinya tulisan dalam laman ini adalah pandangan muktamad penulis. SOKONGAN PADU :>>>Tabung Muallaf 50 Sen Sehari>>>

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