Previously, I have written about scams in internet investing because we are easily fooled by sweet offers and promises with screenshots of people who once supported and got the highest returns. As such as Interfund investment

Even then, we need our double money, daydreaming in various ways after making a profit from the investment. But, it is deceived to control oneself with a very high yield (if you think it is illogical).

Thus, the investment has played on our feelings; after we deposit and the next day can make a profit highest, the company announces a big payoff, but to withdraw the money must pay legal fees and various hidden costs; otherwise, our money is blocked. Finally, we are exhausted after spending RM4-5K!

Read articles on ‘illegal’ investment scams on social media such as Facebook. Read articles on ‘illegal’ investment scams on social media such as Facebook. Before that, I wrote here:

By Abu Zeckry merupakan Rakan Penyelidik Nusantara (RPN) untuk pembangunan dan perkembangan dalam bidang Sains Sosial di Nusantara. [[Perkhidmatan]]Guaman Syarie, Pengurusan Harta Islam, Editorial. PENAFIAN : Tidak semestinya tulisan dalam laman ini adalah pandangan muktamad penulis. SOKONGAN PADU :>>>Tabung Muallaf 50 Sen Sehari>>>

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